Feb 2, 2023Liked by Charles Mandel

Oh Charles, this is a group I hope my friends never join...but...you have. I am in remission for 5 years now from Non Hodgkins Lymphoma...along with my brain tumor and 1 less kidney,this is my unholy triad. A year ago January, my son, who inherited my genetic disease, was rushed to hospital for an emergency operation to remove his brain tumor. He would never get tested for Von Hippel Lindau (rare genetic disease that causes tumors that can turn to Cancer) but finally, he had no choice. I can share a few thoughts I hope will help. First off, I (and my son ) are still here...which proves it CAN be beaten! I have learned to stress as little as possible...with my relationships, my job and ...well, everything! A positive attitude is non negotiable. When you feel you just can't...rely and lean on your friends and those who love you; remember you would do the same for them in a heartbeat. Finally, a reminder that you should do all the shit you were planning for a distant future. I did my marathon in 2019 that I was going to wait to do until I turned 60...I am slowly writing my book...and other smaller stuff. I too have questioned why...especially after being cancer free for 12 years...and have come to the conclusion , (with the help of fundraising with Team in Training) , that I am still here to give people hope and to help my son in this journey called life. if you ever want to contact me, feel free. chocoholic_123@hotmail.com. Who would have thought all those years ago... remember Nicks birthday celebration? I was so full of life, excited to run with the big kids... oh, that was my last piece of advice. Remember the things that make/made you happy...contact old friends, take out pictures to look at, even medals... some days they might make you sad because you are no longer that person...BUT other days, they WILL make you smile. You never know until you try. Hugs...and I mean it...reach out if you want an ear. Ellie

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Thank you, Ellie.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Charles Mandel

Charles, this news just hit me very hard. My heart is heavy. I don't have any words to say that will make you feel better but know that I will be thinking of you both. Thank you for being brave enough to share this with us and reminding us all how precious life is.

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Lesa, we hope to see you this summer. It's been awhile, and lots for all of us to catch up on. I enjoying see the posts of your new life on the South Shore.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Charles Mandel

I've been thinking about you since you told us the news last summer. I'm so sad that the cancer has spread...nobody deserves that. I'm proud of you for taking the leap to tell the world about your health. We'll all benefit by it. Sending you much love.

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Hi Nancy, yes the cancer has spread, but it appears - knock wood - the chemo may be taking hold. I've been in really great shape all this week, and am extremely hopeful at this point. I would still love it if in the summer you and Randy could stop in here for dinner, and we could talk food, books, and all the good things life holds for all of us.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Charles Mandel

Damn, Charles, I'm so sorry that you're sick. I'm glad that you're writing it out. I'm glad that you're living among hawks, skies, dogs, trees, and bonfires. Thank you for sharing.

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Hi Deborah. Thank you. I'm glad I'm writing it out too. It seems like it was the right thing to do, as if a heavy cloud has lifted after the last seven months. Yes, I could think of worse spots to be, for sure.

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Charles I’m so sorry to learn about your cancer. Please keep writing! Your story moved me and shared reminders I needed to hear. I really feel for you. Thank you.

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Thank you, Sarah. Now that I'm feeling better I do intend to keep writing more. The disease knocked me on my ass for the last seven months, and I didn't have it in me to do a whole lot, but I feel like I'm regaining my mojo. I need to catch up on your Substack as well. I hope things are well with you.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Charles Mandel

Love you Charles.

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Love you, too, Tanice. I'll write soon.

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by Charles Mandel

Yes the topical should be OK but best to check first. I can send you a jar no problem if you are cleared to try it.

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I'll check and see what they say. Thank you. Cheers

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Charles Mandel

You do make the world a better place.

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Thank you. That's a kind thing to say.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Charles Mandel

I would love to see you guys. I miss spending time with you both.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Charles Mandel

Charles you have to apply the determination you and I did when we made that impossible mountain bike climb from the stream up to the road!!! I have not communicated much with you over the years since you left our realm but often thought of you fondly and still consider you a super friend. Plus followed your fascinating blog! Are you looking at alternatives like hemp extracts in addition to mainstream medicine? This may be cold consolation but I had a NDE decades ago and went through a brilliantly white tunnel-like passageway and it was the most blissful experience ever imaginable by me. I realized there is nothing to fear and in fact I was mad at the nurses who revived me and stopped my journey.

Still I'm praying for your recovery and a continued long trail in this world. Love you brother.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Charles Mandel

Also as Liz just reminded me, I had a bad bike crash and you brought me home. Our long lane was impassable by car and you walked me all the way up so slowly with me on crutches. Total friend! X0X0

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023Author

Ha, the stories. We have lots! Please say hi to Liz for me as well!

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Larry, it is so damn good to hear from you. I think of you often as well, my friend. I spent some great years on the island with you and the other Twisted Shifters/Rigid Riders. I have all kinds of great memories of rides, get-togethers, and more from that time of my life, and you're central to a lot of that. I haven't looked too much at alternatives yet simply because the oncologists/medical doctors discourage it as they worry it might interfere with the medicine they're applying. Right now the chemo appears to working, but if it ever began to falter I'd certainly begin to seek out alternatives. Love you too, Larry.

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Charles.....Hemp oil will help. It's an EFA (Essential Fatty Acid) that is , as it says, essential....& our body does not make it, so it must be sourced from our food, of which the best source for it , is hemp oil. I have taken it in my smoothie everyday for over 20 years.

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by Charles Mandel

I use the CBD cream from our local Cannabis PEI store. It is amazing to rub on sore joints whether from sport injury or lack of cartilage. It has a small amount of THC in it which aids absorption but has absolutely no psychic effect. May help Charles! I can send you a jar if you cannot obtain in your local woodlot!

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I'll have to see if I can procure that sort of thing here, Larry. It should probably be safe to use since it's a topical. I have to be careful of what I ingest because of the amount of medicine they've loaded me up with.

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